{Who am I?}
I am a graduate Game Developer from RMIT University.
The immersion, the story and the endless possibilities of games has always fascinated me ever since I was young.
Growing up I had a strong interest in art, always drawing in class and doodling at home; this fuelled my interest in the art of video games. I first started doing level/game design during my teens creating maps, stories and worlds using the World Editor in 'Warcraft III: Frozen Throne' and from there my academic choices has reflected my dedication to pursue my passion.
Since graduation I have been constantly developing games, expanding my knowledge and improving my portfolio. I tend to immerse myself in tutorials or read up on game design theories and alike when I have a moment of spare time. I enjoy creating games with a focus of immersion, but also love to experiment on ideas.
I am a PC gamer who dabbles in a bit of console gaming as well.